This is a Blog that is the behind the scenes blog on the World In My View Blog.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Behind the Blog: Lost

I do not usually write a behind the blog for one post.
However because of the stir that my latest post has caused literally overnight I am inclined to write the purpose of this blog here.
I chose the wrong line from the Blog to summarize the gist of Lost.
"I seem to no longer have a purpose in this journey; this journey to nowhere"
Perhaps the better line is the ending line of Lost
"I am lost Come find me please my pride is fading"

I wrote this blog to show the desperate nature of being without purpose and cause in this world. Everyone at some point will or has been here and has had to find a reason that you continue on. Weather you choose to admit that or not its not up to me to judge.

John 14:6 one of my favorite Bible verses says "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me" Jesus Christ the speaker in this passage tells us what my purpose of life is, that being a life lived for Christ.

I once was lost just as this Poem Lost describes but I am now found.
I don't apologize for this post I really hope that you read it and read the poem that is linked at the bottom of Lost.
Read Savior Simply the best way I can put it.

Thank you all for your concern. But I never will use a permanent solution to a temporary problem in my life.
I hope you continue to read The World In My View and tell your friends!


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